Betta housing is an issue that often confuses new & prospective owners. With a myriad of housing products on the market, conflicts between advice from pet stores and internet sources, and rampant myth and misperception about the betta's natural history, it is unsurprising that many bettas find themselves in the wrong sort of enclosure. Generally, the problem is that the enclosure ultimately selected is too small - a fact that surprises well-meaning owners who thought they were giving their fish a great life in a one gallon vase. Here are some facts about the betta's biology to consider, however:
- Wild bettas are found in swamps, rice paddies, and sluggish, shallow streams. They are thus used to wide, shallow bodies of water with plenty of horizontal swimming space.
- Southeast Asia, the region which bettas are native to, is tropical. This means the best water temperature for them is between 76 and 82 *F (24-28*C).
- Bettas come from densely vegetated and shaded waters. This means they are most comfortable with plenty of plants and hiding places.
- Only during the dry season - a stressful time where many bettas die from a lack of resources and toxic water conditions - do bettas live in "tiny mud puddles" as their waterways dry up. This means that their healthiest living conditions - the ones in which they thrive - are during the rainy season when there is plenty of fresh, clean water to live in.
So what should you look for in ideal betta housing?
- Long and wide over narrow and tall. If you had a choice between a tall hexagonal tank, or a shallow, long tank of the same volume, select the latter.
- Sufficient gallonage for heating & water quality. The smallest volume of water that can be safely heated to the appropriate range by commercially available aquarium heaters is about 2.5 gallons (9.5L) of water. Aquariums of this volume also maintain safe water quality for about five days, as opposed to more common 1 gallon (3.8L) aquariums, which start showing harmful levels of ammonia after only two days.
- Enough space for hiding places. Your betta's home should include, at the very least, one hide and several silk or live plants (plastic plants can snag and tear their fins). The bigger the tank, the more enriched the environment can be; while a 2.5g (9.5L) is a good minimum, a slightly larger tank of 5g (19L) can allow much more space for decor, as well as for your betta to explore.
In summation, the key to keeping your betta happy and healthy for years to come is to care for him properly. A significant part of a fish's wellbeing relates to housing it appropriately, which is why selecting the right aquarium for your betta is essential. A clean, heated, spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding places will set you on the right track to a long-lived, beautiful betta.

This attractive aquarium, owned by UltimateBettas member "shecreature," is a heated, filtered, planted 35L betta paradise that would make a far more beautiful addition to one's home than any vase!